Virtual workshops
Starting in October, we will be presenting “Showing to Close” virtually to real estate sales organizations who are interested in making better connections with customers, leading to more sales.
Starting in October, we will be presenting “Showing to Close” virtually to real estate sales organizations who are interested in making better connections with customers, leading to more sales.
Attendees have enjoyed the October sessions of “Your Leadership Personality!” The next presentations will be in January. Stay tuned for dates and times.
Frustrated by all those assessments that employers seem to want you to complete? Here are some tips. Don’t try to finish them when you are tired. Don’t ‘lie’, i.e. try to answer in a way that you think the employer wants a successful candidate for the job to ‘be’ the assessment will ‘catch’ you at …
you are really saying more about yourself than you are about others. If you are pretty assertive, and your coworker is not, you may say they are “gutless”. You are thus assuming your behavior is good, and any one who acts differently must be bad. Adapted from “Personal Styles and Effective Performance” by Roger H. …
When you draw conclusions about another person’s behavior… Read More »
Dr. Rohm would never be without a pen – but he found his audience was!
I’ve been working with career services programs in fields as diverse as forklift driving, audio engineering, java programming, medical billing and coding and certified medical assistant. The students all recognize how important it is to understand their personality style and that of their coworkers and clients.
Judy presented Irreversible Sales Blunders in cooperation with the Kansas City Better Business Bureau and NBKC Bank on August 14th. Comments from attendees: “It was a wonderful presentation and I learned a lot about myself and the way I approach business.” “Nice job!” “You were great!” “Very interactive and well worth your time!” Content of …
Judy Bond presented “Your Leadership Personality” at the August meeting of the Golden Royalties chapter of the American Business Women’s Association. Comments from the program chair: “Judy did a fantastic presentation on ” Leadership Personality” and the dynamics were great by the participants. We had two guests who joined that evening.”
I visited with a friend yesterday and he related an experience at a particular store. He needed help, waved down an employee and was told “this is not my department!” This was before the employee had even heard his question, which was more general in nature. The store he was visiting is an outlet of …
Solving a business problem is much like solving a jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes you can find the solution just by looking at it from a different angle. Getting another person’s point of view can be helpful. Often, you have to step away from the puzzle for awhile, and come back refreshed. And, sometimes a piece really …